Introducing Dear Kayla

Hi! My name is Kayla Roxbury. I'm a fictional character who lives in a little town called Santa Fe, Missouri - part of the greater Kansas City area. My fictional girlfriends and I started a small local paper called the "Sante Fe Gazette" as a fund raiser for our Church's mission team. We only intended for it to be a temporary paper - just 6 issues. But when it came time to end the publication, our subscribers were begging for more. Five years and 1,537 fictional subscribers later, the "Sante Fe Gazette" continues to grow and I remain its ever faithful "Dear Kalya."

Now, I share my real column with you on my very own blog. Feel free to write and let me encourage you in the trials and perplexities you face in life. I'll respect your privacy and promise not to publish any letters you wish to keep private. Or, you may simply sign anonymously - maybe something like "Weary in Montana." I don't have to know who you are - God already does. So, don't be shy. Go ahead - write and let me be your real "Dear Kayla".

As part of "Dear Kayla," I'll post some thoughts from time to time. Please feel free to comment - let me know your thoughts of the issues I discuss. Maybe together, we can make life a little easier for ourselves and others.

Yours truly,

Kayla Roxbury

Monday, April 21, 2008

Fairy Tales and Euphoria

Growing up, I L-O-V-E-D fairy tales! The handsome, charming prince always rescued the beautiful, helpless princess. While this depicts the most glorious story of all - that of Christ sacrificing Himself for His bride, we don't experience that ultimate euphoria of the vulnerable princess and the perfect prince in our human relationships. Yes, a husband is to love his wife as Christ loves His church. Yes, the wife is the man's vulnerable bride. But, fairly tale love in real life is far from perfect and, in most cases, nonexistent.

I grew with the ideal that "someday, my prince would come." I spent so much time looking for my perfect prince, that I failed to see the reality of life. I lived in an imaginary world of euphoria that would some day become reality. Wow, was I in for a rude awakening!

I think most people in general think in the very back of their minds that the world can't and won't "touch" Christians - that Christians do not experience the same trials, temptations, failings, sinful experiences and such that non-Christians do. How wrong this is!

We are in this world. Sin taints everyone and everything - including Christians. After all, we are only sinners saved by God's grace. Even King David who was a man after God's own heart fell into lust, adultery, and even murder. Is this a license for us to sin? Not at all! This is simply reality. Christians do fall. The difference is, we don't live in and for those sins. Read I John. We repent. We learn. We grow. We draw become more like Christ before it's all said and done.

Jesus promises, "In the world, you will have tribulations..." But, He also says, " of good cheer for I have overcome the world." We tend to focus on the latter part of this verse and ignore the first part. I know I did and do.

Who wants to suffer tribulations? I don't! But, I do...and so do you. If you haven't, yet, beware! Don't grow will suffer tribulations - whether they are the making of your own sin, that of someone else, or a mixture of both. Until Jesus redeems the whole of creation, we will all at some point be "touched," tainted by the world.

Are you going through something right now that you are struggling with? Maybe your parents are in the middle of a divorce. Did your best friend betray you...spread rumors about you behind your back? Maybe you're going out with a guy who wants more from you than you feel comfortable giving. Did you pray that God would heal someone you love, but they died anyway? Maybe your pet died and you don't know how to deal with the grief. Were you a star athlete or popular for your good looks when a major accident stole your ability or pretty face? Maybe you're an ugly duckling and you're jealous of those who are pretty and popular. Are you a christian trying to live out your faith, but all you get is ridicule from those around you - even those you love the most? Maybe you're dealing with a chronic illness.

Whatever your situation, let me be your listening ear. Let me pray with you. Let's talk and maybe together, we'll find a way for you to get through the tough times. After all, we both know that life is not fairy tales and euphoria.

Yours truly,


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